
AIM July 2010 Newsletter

AIM June 2010 Newsletter
  • Word from the Director
  • Featured Story
  • Upcoming Trips
  • Stories from the Field

:: Word from our Director – Seth Barnes ::

The Amazing Luke 10 Journey

For the last 20 years or so, I’ve been challenged by a Scripture that’s
so incredible, I’m tempted to discount it as being utterly impractical
for our modern times. But I can’t help myself – I keep coming back to
the account of Jesus sending out his disciples to places they’d never
been with a message they’d only recently heard, and authority they’d
never tested. You can read about it in Luke
9 and 10
or Matthew
. Jesus starts off saying…

For more, click here…


:: Featured Story ::


:: Save Swazi ::
With the overwhelming needs that come as a result of land ravaged by HIV/AID epidemic, we are constantly seeking God as to how to be His hands and feet to His people in Swaziland. There is a large need for improved care for orphans/vulnerable children, schools, and churches.

:: Upcoming Trips ::

Upcoming Trips for Youth & Teens

Travel to places in the U.S. like Montana, Arizona, New Mexico, Georgia, Tennessee just to name a few. Travel outside the U.S. to places like Haiti, Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica and Cayman Islands just to name a few.


College :: Real Life

In the Real Life program, missions-minded college-aged individuals (ages 18 – 21) participants are sent out into the world to assist local churches, ministries, and missionaries as they share their faith in adventurous and exciting ways.
Fall semester trips include Brazil, Hong Kong, India, Kenya, Swaziland and Thailand. Also we have Spring semester trips already filling up!


Adult & Family Mission Trips
EXPOSE yourself to opportunities to encounter God and experience a passionate relationship with Him; as you’re EQUIPPED to see the world through God’s eyes and seek to discover His mission for your life; and you’re ENLISTED to respond to God’s call within the context of your life.
Click here to learn more


World Race – January 2010
The World Race is a Christian mission trip that travels to 11 countries in 11 months. Participants live out of a backpack, survive on a limited budget, and find themselves in situations where faith is the only reality to choose from. In partnering with existing missionaries and ministries, World Racers develop relationships with the “least of these”, and through acts of service see communities and nations transformed all over the world.   

Locations include: Haiti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda.

Click here to learn more


 :: Stories from the Field ::

Story from Mission Field #1Oxcart Messengers
By Victoria Skyvalidas
We were sent to India to deliver love, hope, joy, truth, power, freedom and we will do whatever it takes to share God’s message!

… even if it means riding an oxcart across a river (of water buffaloes, swimmers, bathers, and laundresses) and through the fields and palm forests to reach villages …

The Heart of Worship
By Stephanie Neyman

We all have truly been learning what it means to walk in the Spirit. The Lord has been building us up in the last couple weeks, equipping and edifying every person on the team. We went into ministry today full of God’s love and on FIRE for Him!! He has been stirring us up and we have been growing in our PASSION for our sovereign Lord in the last couple weeks.

Read more about Stephanie’s experiences here

Oh you know. Life.

By Hannah Eisaman
God loves us all so much. It’s true, and it’s simple.

Read more about Hannah’s trip to Nicaragua here

Story from Mission Field #4Kenya Video!

Allee Rodenbaugh shares what life was like while in Kenya through the lens of his video camera.

More and more people are going deeper in their relationship with Christ through their participation in AIM mission trips. Lives are being transformed. Come, be a part of it! View a list of AIM mission trips…

Contact Us:
Online adventures.org


Phone – 800-881-2461